Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Dad's Proper Place, Part 15

Dad's Proper Place, Part 15
C. Charlie - cosmic709@yahoo.com

Rick rolled out of bed at 11 and texted Cody, asking him to come by the house at 3. His dick hardened. Sex was always good, but sex with someone new was awesome. Plus Cody was younger, more malleable. He could make the guy into anything he wanted. When Cody replied, Rick rubbed himself and then got dressed. He put on a tight t-shirt and some shorts, and then jumped on his bike. He had three hours to work up a solid sweat. Then he'd see how committed Cody was to serving him. 

He got back to the house at 3:04, and Cody was sitting on the steps. He stood up as Rick approached. He wore a black t-shirt and dark jeans. He was thin, but very attractive. Had Cody been into girls, he wouldn't have had a problem getting them. That was  the attraction for Rick. He liked fucking guys that were his competition. And while jocks competed with him in one way, understated guys like Cody competed in a different way. 

The guy's dick was already hard, and bulged in his pants. It was a solid piece of meat - too bad he'd never put it to good use. Rick stepped past him and opened the door. Cody followed him inside. 

This wasn't Rick's first time with a guy, and not his first time playing into the fantasies of a gay dude who had been lusting after him. He knew that it was important for the first time to mean something. If he was too rough, Cody would run away. He had to believe that there was a chance for an emotional relationship - that Rick cared about him back. 

The first time, you had to set the hook. After that, you never had a problem pulling them in. 

Monday, April 20, 2015

Quarterback Keeper, Part 8

Quarterback Keeper, Part 8
C. Charlie - cosmic709@yahoo.com

It was around eight on a Thursday night. Tom came home from a date with Jen, disappointed with himself. He wasn't sure what was happening to him. He liked Jen. She was friendly, she was hot, and normally he would be all over her. She was certainly all over him. For whatever reason, though, they just didn't click. There was no chemistry between them, and it had him worried. A hot girl like that, a natural ten, should have him firing on all cylinders. Instead, he had to work just to seem vaguely interested in her. He forced himself to engage with her sexually, and lately she had sensed his lack of enthusiasm.

His phone buzzed. It was a text from his older brother, asking if he was getting it on.

"Not yet." Tom texted back and then adding, "At home."

"Struck out?"

"Sort of."

"Not like you." His brother said.

"Not feeling it tonight." Tom sent back.

Monday, April 6, 2015

Big Brother's Girlfriend, Spring Break, Part 3

Big Bro's Girlfriend – Spring Break Edition – Part 3
C. Charlie - cosmic709@yahoo.com

Note: This is the last installment of the return to this story. I'll be picking up with some of my other stories soon. Hope you enjoyed it.

Jase stared bullets at Mitch. "Show him." He said, "Show him how much you like cock."

Mitch stood up, glanced at Taylor, and then dropped to his knees in front of the stud. Taylor was totally blue collar, muscular but a little thick. He wasn't the kind of gym-honed athlete that Mitch was used to and the contrast, the naturalness of his body, made him hotter.

"You want me to leave." Jase asked.

"I, uh, I mean, he's your brother. You decide." Taylor said.

"I'll stick around," Jase smiled, "In case he needs something to suck on."

Taylor reached out and grabbed Mitch's head, pulling him into his crotch. His light jeans, dirty from working all week, were loose around his thighs. Mitch dove in, chewing on the hard rod that lay across his leg. His pants smelled like motor oil or something, and his dick pulsed as he licked at the thick cock. Taylor loved it.